Its been so, so long!

I am having a hard time uploading pictures so i hope you can deal with two. We have had an awesome last two months. Which is why i have not posted for so long! The kids had spring break so we were able to go and have some fun. We took them to the zoo here in Boise which was surprisingly really good. We had a slumber party in the front room which is always fun. We let them watch a movie and eat popcorn and it makes us cool parents for a night. Who would've guessed!

This last weekend was Emilys 7th birthday! My baby is getting sooo big! We had about of her girlfriends over. She says it was the best birthday party. We painted nails, had a treasure hunt, made braclets, and watched a movie and ate popcorn. The evening was very loud!

Trevor and I both turned 28 last month. I have noticed a few fine lines around my eyes but they dont bother me too much. Trevor seems to be much more gray- it makes him all the more handsome.

PJ will be coming home any day now. We are so excited! It has been way too long since we have seen him. We are just so glad that he is safe and coming home.

Also this last weekend, we put together out "garden". Trevor has been researching it a little bit and he decided to do a box garden. He built a frame that is about 6 inches deep and sits about a foot off the ground. Tomorrow night we will plant peas since that is about all we can do right now. Once we have it done, i will post pictures. Im impressed with trevors skill as always.

We took the kids swimming and Joshua loved it. It was his first time in the pool and he just stood there looking all around smiling. I took each of the kids down the slide. That was an experience... I couldnt even sit up straight. so we looked like we were all arms and legs just flailing about!

Hopefully I will do much better now at updating. I have finally got all my pictures organized and my recipes organized so that frees up a little more time to blog.. We'll see!


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Anonymous said…
Trever needs to smile more!!! He is going to get his butt kicked by Mikey!! :)

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