I love spring break

There are yummy breakfast's that I have plenty of time to slave over make for my kiddos...

Chalk drawings on the sidewalk,

and plenty of photo opportunities!
(this was taken Sunday before church)

And of course a trip to the library.
 I love driving in the car with my kids (usually)
because it gives us a chance to talk.
I learned yesterday
(going to the library) that:
Stephen wants to go on a mission to England,
Emily to China,
Annabelle to Mexico,
and Joshua to St. George!
And then we asked Trevor when he got home where me and him should go and he said:
I think we'll be a very well traveled family. well, besides Joshy~

And we have lots more planned for this week.
I hope it goes by slowly.....
except tomorrow when it's dentist day~
I hope that goes by fast!


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