American Idol night and Joshua falls asleep as usual...

highlights of the day:
*got all the laundry folded and put away~ as a family
*Tim Urban did a fantastic job on A.I. (now Im just trying to get my 6 votes to go through..)
*got an ice cream cone today~ its pretty much the only thing I will eat from McDonalds anymore.
*my whole house is vacuumed (my dishes are still sitting in the sink though)
*I got to visit with Candice
*trevor came home ten minutes early
not so great:
*Joshua wore his Superman cape, aka pillowcase, to the pharmacy and everyone kept commenting on it. Now I know why trevor makes the kids take things like that off before we leave the house. thats all i got on the not so great.

It's been a really good day.


Tina Mitchell said…
ok so I know he falls asleep in front of the TV every tuesday night, it is because of american idol? he is so stinking cute!
What a good day sarah:)
Joyleen said…
I can't believe how much he looks like Zach!!!! That's who I thought it was when I first saw it. He is such a cutie! It's time for another visit.

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