last weekends events

Saturday we had Emilys birthday party and it went great! The festivities included playing telephone, having a talent show, decorating cupcakes, making fans, a pinata and listening to all the girls favorite, Taylor Swift. (Emily got Taylors first cd as a gift from a friend, Im not sure whos more excited, her or me...)
She also got her birthday spankins from all of us Sunday morning...
she may be getting a little too old for this tradition~
I was so pleased when Emily opened up the gifts from her sister and brothers and was just as excited to get books from the bookshelf as she was for her other gifts. Simplicity.... And she was thankful!
(that would be the middle picture, a book from annabelle)
Then that evening we had some yummy, although not beautiful, cake.
 It was lopsided and a little crumbly.
But she loved stuffing her face in it!
I have to add these pictures (below) just because I loved them. Doesn't Candice look just a little TOO sexy to be going to the temple?? lol... It was their anniversary on Sunday~ Yay for the Fowlers! And I got to watch little Asa for them . He is a beautiful baby~

and for the very last one, this is what Joshua does everytime Trevor and I are in the kitchen cooking...
he takes spices out of the drawer and makes a "caswel" (castle).
It was a fantastic weekend!


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