Day 30 a photo of myself today and 3 things I have learned....

Yes, I am vain enough to spend a few minutes editing a photo of myself. 
If you saw the original, you'd thank me for it. 
That's me yesterday.
Believe it or not, I look better there than I do now. 
Let's move on. 

3 things I've learned in the last 30 days:

1. I'm not the only one who brushes their teeth with warm/hot water. Cold water hurts my teeth, even to drink it. I'm "this close" to being British.
2. I don't like facebook and no longer have an account. It was a big time waster for me. Too many people that were my "friends" that I didn't even really know. Not that I didn't care about them but there are things that need attending to in my life. Like Joshua. Instead of being on facebook I could be playing geo tracks with him and eating pretend food and making peanut butter cups. 
Which is what we've been doing.

3. I need to start getting to bed earlier. Headaches, dizziness~ I think my sleep deprivation is starting to affect me. But blogging and House Hunters is keeping me up. Actually, now it's the book I'm reading. 

Question: What do YOU do when you are reading a really good book and it swears (not bible swears but real, really bad language)? The books I really enjoy tend to have some colorful language (Joyce Carol Oates, Alice Hoffman and Jodi Picoult) and I'm not sure what the right thing to do is.... Any suggestions? 

Anywhooooo.. this 30 day thing has been fun and I have also loved getting to know my sweet sis in laws better....And now I will get back to blogging the way I use to.... doing random, silly, and sometimes not-making-sense blog posts. 

And lots of pictures of my kids.....lots and lots of pictures of them.


Unknown said…
Girl, I just went to look you up on FB and you werent there. I almost cried. :(

I wanted to tell you that I went to Jacksons the other day and had a great big diet cola and thought of you. I miss you that much. :(

How am I going to stay in touch now? Sigh.

Love you, sister!

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