Fun Friday is BACK!

Unfortunately, Candice isn't here to join us.
But we can still have some fun!

Anna added a little flair to chore time today:
A Rumbi just opened near us and today they were doing free rice bowls.
I think all of Idaho Falls was there...
And it was delicious!
And so worth the obvious wait....
We got a little culture in since we all ate our food with our chopsticks.
I did pretty well but Joshy got a bit frustrated.
Don't let his smile fool you; he didn't like the veggies or the sticks.
Emily and Josh eventually resorted to forks. 
We walked along the Snack River again this afternoon. 
I love it down there. 
Josh (obviously) had to pee so we found a 
quiet corner of grass and let him do his thing.
Anna commented as Josh did his business "It's just like the Snake River waterfall!"
Our offer today on the house was counter offered so 
we counter offered and they are not willing to negotiate. 
Apparently they owe too much on it...Oh well. 
We are definitely disappointed although not discouraged. 
The kids decided we should buy this and live in it:
I could see us there... Can't you???
And then because we were having so much fun, the kids decided to jump for joy!
Not really, they were just trying to jump over the sidewalk.
It could also be that they had a ton of energy to burn off cause I bought 16 candy bars today. 
Yes, 16 Crunch bars. 
They were on sale for .25 cents each.
How could I pass that up?
I think Trevor and I will drown our sorrows in a couple of them tonight 
as we watch the new Adam Sandler movie, Just Go With It. 
Chocolate and a movie and nacho-movie night always helps us feel better!


Jill said…
All the offer and counter-offer stuff happened since yesterday? Wow, they work fast! Don't loose hope...the right house WILL come. It's so frustrating! I could totally see you in that house the kids are in front of...that would be a perfect house for the next reunion. Good luck with the house hunt! We will be praying for you!
Jenée's Blog said…
Darn it! -Wish we had known about that Rumbi Grill opening. Scott was off work, and we could have totally gone. Anna knows how to clean in style... (Little does she know her Aunt Jenee sometimes does that for fun, too!) Speaking of Anna, I am inviting her over to make 'Watermelon Sugar Cookies' with me sometime next week. :o)
Ahhh looks like it was a very eventful fun friday! , I'm sad I missed it ! Ps....tomorrow wasgonna be our 5k, but hey who's keeping track! I'll go run in our memory! I love you guys
Unknown said…
Oh how I've missed your blog! I love reading it! It's been a while... I've been so busy these days! But who isn't? Okay, I've just been slackin' on the blogging world. Anyway, we're also on a house hunt. Fun, huh? Mike Weist is our Real Estate agent & he's been so great! Well, good luck to you guys!

OH! LOVE the housework in heels pic! Very impressive! Wish I could even just walk in them! Very cute!

Have a great day! Love ya!
I hate when they won't negotiate...but I guess you can't blame them if they owe so much. We will keep you in our prayers, the right house will come along soon!

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