Ha Ha Ha.

Do you have an annoying husband who likes to carry you to the couch, take every blanket in the house and wrap you up in all of them, then put a princess cape over your shoulders, and pour Diet Coke in your mouth with a funnel?

All because you're a little ornery?

(okay, maybe a lot ornery...us girls get that way sometimes)

No? You don't?

Well, I do:

And then he allowed our children to take pictures of it.

I stayed in that position for two hours and it cured my orneriness.

There is never a dull moment with that man.


Chris and Jenna said…
Ha! I love it! Sometimes no matter how hard I try, I can't stay mad because Chris finds some way to make me laugh. Kind of annoying sometimes! ;)
Jill said…
HA! So that's the cure for 'woman moods'? I will have to tell Steve...
Miranda (Wood) said…
My Fiance is just like your husband. If i start to be dumb or ornery or annoying... he will be even more annoying than I am and make me laugh, and it fixes my attitude.
Your blog is cute! and so are your kids. : )


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