I was busy last night doing Jenee's hair and asked Trevor to send out my Play Group email. Here's what he sent:

Hey girlfriends!

SarahJean is in the HIZZOUSSSSS!!! I am soooooooooo excited for playdate tomorrow, aren't you all?  Same time.  Same place.  11:00.  McOwin Park. Be there or be square y'allL-) loser.  Hollaback! Lol.  Rofl. 



I had to send a retraction this morning so people don't assume I'm some Valley-Girl-Gangsta. Cause I'm not. 
But he definitely makes me laugh...
I wonder if this email is the reason no one showed up....


Jenée's Blog said…
I laughed so hard when I saw this email last night. Again, thank you for doing my hair... I LOVE it!
Chris and Jenna said…
That is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever read! I cannot stop laughing now...I have the craziest brothers!
Brent said…
That is an interesting e-mail; but I could not translate it. Maybe I can learn a new language. It sure doesn't look like spanish.
Hahaha! Oh trevor:) that is so funny
BAhaha oh my gosh, what a nerd! This is the funniest thing ever!
Jill said…
That is funny! I would have thought it was sent from a hacker...or some valley-girl-gangster for sure!
Riley said…
Trevor is now officially on my list of heroes.
Madsens said…
Thats hilarious! What a funny boy :)
Linds and Thad said…
I'm so excited that you found a house and that you're moving in a week! I know we weren't super good friends or anything, but I'll kind of miss talking to you at playgroup- not that I've been to Ammon playgroup in a while. You are an inspiration to me. I always leave your apartment wanting to be a better mom, wife, and a cuter decorator. Hehe. Glad I can still check your blog!

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