It's only the beginning of summer...

And I already have a problem to solve.
We are going through way too many cups. This is only half of what we actually went through today. 
When I was growing up, my mom had a shelf with a mug for each of us that had our names on it. 
It was a great idea then and it'll be a great idea now! 
The only hard part will be enforcing it.

Emily came up with a great idea for an activity:
It's a pretty ugly fridge and I think a note to dad makes it look better. They've had a lot of fun so far; Annabelle's written some Shel Silverstein poems, Emilys written down snacks, Stephen wrote a note....Tomorrow I'm going to write chores on it. 
Unfortunately, that will take all the fun out of it for the kids.

Tonight for FHE our lesson was on baptism. Stephen's baptism is this Saturday at 10:00 and we couldn't be more excited! We discussed the covenants he will be making and the covenants the Lord will make with him. It was a long lesson but one that was paid attention to by everyone. 
Stephen even got to practice with his Dad:
Before we did our lesson, Trevor and Stephen got started on mudding the walls in our room~ 
Trevor had Stephen change his clothes before they started and 
I think he changed into this shirt on purpose...just so he could feel like a real worker. 
I'm super excited for it to be done....

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