Mental Images...

I didn't take any pictures today but there are images in my mind that I will never forget. Well, I'm at least writing it down so I don't forget:

Annabelle walking with a purpose, with the MP3 player pressed to her ear, pretending it was a phone. She just looked grown up.

Stephen having a freak-out (rightfully so) while a dog jumped up on him and did the doggie dance. It was scary then, funny now. Either way, I won't EVER forget it (i don't think he will either). And the dog was HUGE!

Emily leaning on me as she said goodbye to her friend. I almost thought she was 4 years old again.

Looking back in the truck to Joshua. His eyes were big and brown and so innocent. Every time I looked back in 30 seconds time, he would look at me. I just love his eyes..... 

I need to get my camera out more but I never get the images I want to have the most. I need to have a hidden camera somewhere so the kids won't notice it and do the auto-smile.....
It was a pretty good day.


Brent said…
Those kind of mental pictures are the best. They are personal, can't be lost, destroyed,nor stolen.
This post made my day Sarah. I miss your family.

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