I told Trevor I was going to update my blog while he showered so he gave me some very useless (but good) ideas of what I could write about (you don't want to know). But he's forgiven cause he made me an ice cream cone.

"The ants go marching 5 by 5.
Hurrah, Hurrah...."
(our Anthem while hiking)
We went to Camels Back again today. We ended up getting kind-of lost and it became a little more exciting when we ended up on Hill road about 3 blocks from where we should have been~ (me and Candice were having fun but the kids were getting onery and wanted some promised candy)

While we were hiking Joshua said:
"Someone needs to carry me."
I think it's time we stop baby-ing my little baby. But it probably, most likely,  will not be me. (it would be important for me to add that I did NOT carry him nor did anyone else. But I really wanted to.)
Hope you all have a fun and exciting weekend. We have some Pioneer celebrating to do around here.. dutch oven dinner, games, mowing the lawn~ wait a minute. Did the pioneers mow their lawn? We'll just pretend we're plowing.


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