carl, batman and tuesday.

I haven't blogged since last Thursday and I was kind of starting to miss it. 

Over the weekend, I turned 32. And I feel terrific. As if I wouldn't...I mean, I'm still a spring chicken, unlike Trevor who is so old...He took Friday off so we could spend the day together and we had a fantastic day. He learned the joys of jean shopping with me which he most likely will never do again~I'm a picky person. After that, he took me to lunch at Red Robin, our favorite place for a hamburger. Then it was grocery shopping, napping, he made me craisin white chocolate chip cookies, blt sandwiches, angel food cake and then it was bedtime for the kids. (we stayed up early bedtime for us!) 
We had a great rest of the weekend as well. My birthday may have been the highlight but there were a lot of awesome things that happened. Like seeing the Hunger Games with Scott and Jenee, painting the boys room, building a chicken coop, nacho movie night on Saturday, more naps and dinner at the Haslems on Sunday. 
We were kind of sad to start Monday. 


You know you've missed seeing pictures of Carl, right? 

To remind you of his cuteness, here's a shot I took today:

He was very happy during this picture since I was giving him handfuls of my popcorn.

I am that kind of dog owner (unfortunately).

What happens when a batman-obsessed 5 year old loses his little batman through the return air vent? 

This happens:

Honestly, I thought his world was going to end, he was so sad. But Dad got home, tried unsuccessfully to

get it out, recruited Emily to help since she has smaller arms and Josh and his little batman were reunited.

Thank heavens!

Big news, big news!!! Candice and Quinn are coming to town tomorrow to stay with us and we are flippin'

excited. We can hardly contain ourselves! Yay!!!!

And did you notice I have better pictures today? That's because Jenee lent me her camera and I couldn't be

more pleased or thankful!!

And now that Monday is over (which was actually a really good and productive day) we can start on the

rest of the week.

Tuesday's always more exciting anyway.


Jenée's Blog said…
I enjoyed reading this post; fun(ny). I am still laughing about our 'women's jean shopping' conversation from Sunday night... :o)
I hope you have a great time with Candace (and her family) this week!
Chris and Jenna said…
Chris told my boys that Batman and Spiderman live inside the air vents of our house so now every time they get close to a vent, they peek inside to see if Batman or Spiderman is there. Glad that Josh and Batman have been reunited! ;)
Brent said…
Looks like one sad little boy...I am always amazed when a big sister can rescue the superhero.

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