It's 11:28 a.m.

and this is what my house still looks like:
and this:
(oh the horrors...thank your lucky stars you can't smell it cause it's the worst stinky-feet smell. Ever.)

and this:
No matter that I haven't started cleaning up from the weekend. I have however signed Joshua up for Kindergarten (boo hoo hoo), gone to the library and worked out. 
As I worked out, I read this article from the ensign. It was uplifting and wonderful. Please read it. 

"When lonely, cold, hard times come, we have to endure, we have to continue, we have to persist. That was the Savior’s message in the parable of the importuning widow. Keep knocking on that door. Keep pleading. In the meantime, know that God hears your cries and knows your distress. He is your Father, and you are His child."  Elder Holland

Today I have great things planned. For starters, I'm going to finish the last episode of North and South (BBC classic!) and watch an adorable little 4 year old for a friend. 
And I may get to the cleaning. 
Have a great day everyone!


Ok obviously I'm super behind on blogging but I had a girl's night with one of my dear dear friends the other night and we watched all four hours of North and South. I LOVE THAT SHOW!!! It was sooo good. YOu'll have to let me know what you think! I love those BBC shows they are the best!

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