Cousins (and sisters week)

Amy and her Lexi and Brooklyn, Jessica and her Layla, and Candice and her Asa and Kyran
all came for a visit. 
We spent a week together and had a really good time. 
I'm sure we've all cut back a little on our eating and upped our exercise a bit 
since we've been back to normal but that's just proof that we had a great time together. 
We shopped, ate really good food, swam, hiked and ate smores. 
I'm sure Rexburg was a huge change of pace for them all since it has a lot less people 
and not nearly as many things to do as the cities they live in, 
but boredom was never an issue.
We are never good at taking pictures while we're together so 
if any of you girls have some, will you email them to me, please? 
I miss you all already and love you so much!

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