Movies, Books, Music and Trevor.

Last Saturday Trevor and I went on a much needed date. 
He took me to see the new Batman~ holy was the best batman...ever. 
I absolutely loved it. 
It was over way too fast; even though it was almost 3 hours, I wanted it to go on and on. 
Trevor liked the second Batman better so we had to watch it Sunday night
for him to be sure.
The Dark Knight is still his favorite. 
And The Dark Knight Rises is still my favorite. 
We agree to disagree. 

However, I'm sure we agree that this is a way cute picture of Joshua:
Josh was so excited to show me the rainbow on the wall and to have his picture taken by it. 

Trevor and I made a deal about a week ago that I would read one of his favorite books 
and he would read one of mine. 
I wouldn't ask him to read Jane Eyre so instead he's reading East of Eden
and I'm reading The Pillars of the Earth. 
I can definitely see why he loves this book. 
It has completely sucked me in and there's never enough time to read. 
He is liking E.o.E but he doesn't love it. 
When we "discuss" our books, he doesn't have nearly as much to say as I do about the book I'm reading. 
But that's okay.
It's already been established that I have a more diverse taste in books than he does. 
I usually always like the same books as him. 
Except The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. 
That one's just a bit too weird for me...

Speaking of weird, check out how Joshy is currently wearing his socks:
They're slightly too big but he doesn't care cause he can wear them like daddy does~ ha!

During my workout, I always put on Pandora and listen to my shuffled stations. 
Right now, it shuffles between Matt Nathanson, Carrie Underwood, Rhett Atkins and Big & Rich.
More often than not, a song comes on that Trevor and I used to listen to while we were dating. 
There's no better way to get through a hard workout 
than to be bombarded by some of my favorite memories. 
Trevor and I have always loved music and have always had very similar tastes. 
There's a song attached to every house we've lived in 
and all the trips we've gone on.  
When we began dating Trevor had the largest cd collection that I'd ever seen. 
(but they all got stolen...bummer) 
We still don't have as many now as he did back then...

I'm just realizing that these are the ways that I get to know Trevor again everyday; 
by watching our favorite movies together, reading the books he loves,
and being reminded of him through music. 
And he makes me happy. 

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