Dishes by Trevor.

I have such a kind husband.
He did the dishes last night while I was at Young Womens. It seems to be in my DNA however, that I redo them the next day. I absolutely love that he did them though. Seriously love it.  Kids were showered, house was cleaned up and I came home to them all playing Nintendo.

I found this picture of the kids tonight.
I don't know how in the world I forgot about it cause I love it so much.

Tonight while eating, we went around and asked each kid how their day went and what their favorite part was. We got the typical responses: recess, lunch, orchestra, art, and they all had great days. Trevor said his favorite time of the day was walking through the door at the end of the work day. My favorite was 11:00, 2:45, 4:10 and 5:55; the times when each of them got home. And then 8:30 when everyone would be in bed.

(I had to add that last one so as not to be too sentimental. cause lets be honest, bedtime is a great time.)

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