I'm still reading.

I've forgotten that I'm supposed to come here to my blog and write reviews for the books I read.
I'm not sure how I forgot I just did. 
Sometimes I'm flaky like that.  
So...I am recommitting myself. 
Starting now.
The last book I read that sticks out in my mind is Fahrenheit 451.
It was a good book.
Although I do tend to like those dystopian style books. 
It really made me appreciate the books I read, even if I don't always agree 
with the content. 
At least we have books available anytime to read. 
It something I take for granted way too often. 
Tonight I had the kids all pick out books for me to read to them. 
How awful and sad would it be if the act of reading to ourselves and 
to our children was taken away from us? 
It's a life unimaginable to me. 

So in light of my renewed commitment I'm reading this: 
I'm only on page 34 but so far, so great.
I really love it so far. It's clean, has great imagery and it's intriguing. 
It definitely has promise. 
I mean, I still have 450 pages to go so you never know...but still I am really liking it. 

Tomorrow is going to be a great day. 
Candice and Quinn arrive for our thanksgiving celebration! 

Tomorrow morning is going to be a great morning. 
Trevor doesn't work and we will be all alone for three hours. 
Oh the things we can (and will) do! 
The possibilities are endless, really....

This week is going to be a great week!
We get to have thanksgiving with some of our favorite people 
(the Haslems and the Fowlers),
we will be cutting down our Christmas tree, 
killing some turkeys,
and having a Twilight marathon. 
(candice has only seen the first movie...hello?!? have you been living in the 21st century?
just kidding Candice.)
I went and saw the midnight premier of Breaking Dawn part 2 this week 
and was very surprised at how good it actually was. 
And I got to hang out with Stephanie which is always great...

So Happy Thanksgiving week! 
I hope it is filled with as many good things as possible for you!

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