The finished floors.

I think that besides the wood stove, our floors are my favortie update we have done so far. 
(The second bathroom isn't done...yet.) 
My house feel so much cleaner. 
I may be a tad ocd though. 
Anytime I see dust or hair, I get out the swiffer. 
I just love that thing. 
Trevor and I did a great job, if I do say so myself.
We still need to add baseboards and a door to the closet and buy some rugs, but that's OK. 
We're/I'm patient (right, Trevor?). 
We're doing things as fast as we can with Trevor's work schedule 
and even then we put things off so that we can go out to dinner and a movie. 
Some things are just worth sacrificing for. 
(in this case time out together without kids is better than a second bathroom...)

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