He is kind, funny, and so, so good to me.
And he's a whiz at math which is really good cause I'm not.
I love him.
(even if he makes me lick pancake batter off his chin.)
Lately, Carl is the only one who gets naps. (unless it's Sunday...then Trevor and I both demand one) If I was a big, hairy dog, I would expect naps everyday also and would just lay down where ever I wanted to (even it it was in everyone's way). You can just catch a glimpse of my moccasins. And trust me they.are.cute. I love madewell . My new favorite singer this week? Cat Stevens. It took me watching the movie Harold and Maude to really listen to his music. Wow. And hey, I'm not going to be shy. I'm going to sing out to the wild world that I love his songs. (if you also like Cat Stevens, then you'll understand the previous sentence...)
We have just received news that earlier today my sister Amy and her family have been in a car accident. Tim and the five kids are okay, although banged up, but Amy is in the ICU. They hit hail while driving and the car rolled 3 times and Amy was ejected from the car. All we know so far is that she has broken ribs and punctured lungs. Please, please please pray for her and her family. Thank you.
You know how much we love Adams Peanut Butter, right? This amazing stuff in the picture above is like Adams but in a dessert-y/heavenly/marvelously/wonderfully kind of way. It is so, so good . And it has no hydrogenated oil or high fructose corn syrup and I can read all the ingredients in it which only makes up about six, surprisingly. You really need to get out to your local grocery store and buy this. Right. Now. I am in love with it. I just got done with a spoonful and am now contemplating going and getting another one only then my carbs would be exceeded for the day. But it would definitely be worth a slight belly ache. That's how good it is. Speaking of love , only 2 more days until our 11 year anniversary. We probably won't have a babysitter but we can think of plenty of great stuff to do here at home to celebrate......... like eat a yummy dinner, play a game, eat dessert, massage each others feet..... well.... what did you think I was talking about????...