Hey there.

The last time I blogged was in 2015 and it's now 2018. That's really sad. Because I love to blog. I love to sit down and just write out my thoughts. It helps me to remember what I have to be grateful for and all the blessings I've been given on a daily basis.
I'm not even going to attempt to catch up on the last 2 1/2 years.
But I am going to post some pictures that I've taken lately.
This is our most recent family picture taken. At least professionally. And it's beautiful.
Here's the most recent one that we've take:
Maybe not as "styled" as the other one but it has my most favorite people in it so it's good.

I am excited for this new year. Here's a (small) list of some of my intentions for this year:

  • Drink more water
  • Be kinder to people
  • Grow spiritually
  • Eat more veggies
Lately I've struggled with anxiety. When I was younger, I struggled with it as well but haven't too much since I was 18. And now it's rearing it's ugly head. And my anxiety is very specific. Every morning I wake up at 6 with a stomach ache and so many thoughts that just make me feel bad.
After our accident, while driving home from Idaho Falls for the first time since I started driving again, I was dealing with some anxiety. So I started telling myself my testimony in my head while simultaneously praying that I would be okay. It helped. It calmed me down and got me through that dark half hour.
So one day last week while trying to calm myself down at 6 im the morning (!), I went through the Restoration starting with Joseph Smith searching for the right church to join. And it helped. I was calmer and felt better.
Those mornings though that I'm not able to calm down, my whole day feels off. It's like a little tickle in my head that is always there and so super annoying!
I've started to include meditation with my yoga also with the hope that it will help. I can look back on my life and see different experiences that have helped me with anxiety. When we were pregnant with Emily, Trevor and I practiced the Bradley Method. It has helped me learn how to use my breathing to calm myself down in painful situations. It was so helpful after the accident.
So now I'm using aspects of yoga like meditation and being still to hopefully help me control my thoughts while being anxious.
Dang I wish I didn't have to though!
Life is good even with the hard times, right?
Onwards and Upwards.
Picture proof of how good life can be...


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