pics of the kids

I wish i knew why these are sideways and how to fix them. I hope your neck doesnt get too bad a kink! Trevor took these pictures of the kids on conference sunday. I think they turned out pretty good. Annabelle lost her first tooth so she is smiling, trying to show it off. Emily has more wholes in her mouth than teeth! It seems she is losing one all the time. Trevor figured by the time all the kids have lost their teeth, the tooth fairy will have shelled out almost 200 dollars. Dang, i hope these kids dont have any problems that are expensive! i dont think we could afford it!


KAT said…
Beautiful children.
Anonymous said…
The girls are beautiful! The boys are too.. Joshua is such a big boy now. Cute pictures!
Chris and Jenna said…
Your kids look so cute! I can't believe how big they are getting. Hopefully we'll be able to see them before too long.
Madsens said…
Trevor's quite the photographer! I miss you guys so much! Hopefully the kids won't grow too much by the time I see them next. We are planning on coming around Christmas. Riley has a week vacation then.
Your kids are so cute and growing up so fast! I can't believe it's been so long since we have seen you. I lost that e-mail to that one site so if you could send it to me again that would be great! I hope everything is going great.
ditndetes said…
Your kids are adorable!!! It was fun visiting with you last week.

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