This is the third plea I have given... :) My blog list got deleted, so if you are reading this, please leave me your blog address.... It's about the only way I keep up on friends and family. Facebook is good, but I don't really get to keep up on everyone through it! In other news, there is nothing new here! My family is coming up next week to visit and to be here for Asa's blessing. He is such a sweet baby~ Im so happy that I get to see him grow up. Too many of our family is spread all over~ and Trevor and I have moved so much that it's so special to us to have the Fowler family here in Meridian! Our New Years celebration was quiet but fun. We had planned on going to Salt Lake to be with family, but the weather kept us from going. But we had a good time here~ Joshua was the only one not able to stay up until midnight. Thus the reason he is not in this picture! and a special one~ with many more New Years to come!