Are you an artist?

cause you don't have to be~

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Simply Feather

Im going to do this challenge and I want you all to join me~ that is, if you want to, of course. Im not an artist but I wish I was so maybe this will help... next Thursday I will post my "art" about an umbrella.

(if you go to the main page of her blog, thursdays post will tell you what the challenge is for the week!) (main blog)


feather said…
hello, my new friend! look at you getting all gung-ho! i look forward to having you next week!
i've been poking around a the sunglasses and those silhouettes (i can never spell that right)in your living room are awesome. did you do those?
also...i'm also in good old idaho. we have a tshirt that says
"idaho? no, udaho!" ponder that one for a moment. ... ...
get it yet?

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