I'm sitting here in my warm and cozy house, loving it. I have no where to go today. That makes me happy. Im staying home and cleaning and doing laundry, mopping the floors and scrubbing bathrooms. I've had a bit of a negative attitude about my house lately. It always seems messy/cluttery. But Candice put it into perspective for me yesterday... She reminded me that I have four children~ of course! Seriously.... something would be wrong if my house was always spotless~ So I will try to get done what I can and forget the rest until tomorrow...
Here is our newly planted garden:
We've got spinach, tomatoes, tomatillos, peas, beans, onions, artichokes, carrots, chives, and corn. This is what we did for FHE last night. Oh and Emily ran 3 miles!! Im so proud of her. And her 5k is this weekend.
 I cannot wait!


Jill said…
Forget the house, Sarah...you are an awesome mom and you planted a garden! Doesn't get much better than that.

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