paint with me thursday!

Simply Feather
So here is my "art" on umbrellas:
I was outside with the boys yesterday
drawing with chalk and I thought it would
be a perfect time to do my art~
All spring break this year, it rained
and was really crummy weather.....
and we had no umbrella
 but really wished we did.
i especially want the one we saw at Target,
 a bubble umbrella.. so super cute.

Today I did a little spring cleaning.
I washed the slipcovers on the
 couch and found the usual:
top ramen noodles, a gummy worm,
 money, and some game pieces.
 Well, not actually money,
just a penny and im not even  sure that it's considered currency anymore.
What I really want to know though,
 is who ate top ramen on the couch?
Seriously what kind of mother would I be
 if I let my kids eat soup on the couch??? 
 I'm rambling a bit and this last paragraph had absolutley nothing to do with umbrellas.

 Oh well, enjoy my art...


Lindsay said…
Ha! That is so funny that you found ramen in your couch...I find similar things under the cushions too!.:) Thanks for stopping by my blog, I would be flattered if you bookmarked it.
I love your umbrella!
feather said…
sidewalk chalk doodling is one of my favorite activities outside. i just bought a new package of it just me or is a new package just about the best thing in the world? anyway, your drawing is so vibrant! i love the colors in the umbrella. it's making me want to get out to the sidewalk. but is just so windy!
I like your umbrella with all its' bright colors. Very cheerful. And really liked your photo.
Steph said…
So cool! How did you do that? I mean, I know you drew it with sidewalk chalk, but there's more to it than that. I love the look and bright colors and shadows in this picture.

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