It's been one of those days....

And while I want to say the best day EVER, it just hasn't. But it hasn't been bad either. I did wake up at 6:30 and do yoga, then vacuumed the house, went to the store (the store-that-shall-not-be-named. Okay- it's walmart- hate that place). But 1:30 hit and the absence of my 44 ounce Diet Dr. Pepper started to show the tell-tale signs of withdrawl. AHHH~ exhaustion set in. But I got to go do a sweet little boys haircut, earn slushy money for the boys and get me a Light lemonade.
That was nice.
 AND... it is now flip flop weather and that is a very good thing! (please ignore the boys nasty toenails in the above picture... off to do some trimming now...)


Shannan Martin said…
One of the happiest Summer things for me is the first day that I notice flip-flop tan lines on my feet. Yay, Summer!!

Thanks so much for the kind words of encouragement in your comment. It means the world.

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