My funny, silly kids....

(eating dinner~ i bought a frozen pizza(??????)and 
guiltily made a salad.)

Kids say the darndest things.....
Like tonight when Emily informed me that when she sweats her armpits stink.

(she used more colorful language but I don't want to embarrass her~ colorful,like more expression, no swearing. I thought maybe that could confuse you...)

I/We, of course, knew that her armpits stink when she sweats but it's good that she's becoming aware of it. 

Have I said before that she is growing up waaaaay too fast? 


Mmmmm pizza sounds really good right now
Brent said…
Teenager before you know it. That is scary.
Chris and Jenna said…
If it makes you feel any better, I feed my kids frozen pizza like twice a week. It may seem excessive, but when a 3 year old asks for it for lunch AND dinner every day (seriously, every day) I cave.

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