Some images are seared into my memory forever. This morning I was given another memory to add to my collection. It's nothing special to anyone else but for me, I will remember it forever.

I hope.
 My kids are my world. Once in a while, I get into moods where even I don't want to be around me. I was in one of those moods for a few hours last night. Self-pitying-loathing-bashing, all that good stuff. So I left to go to Target under the guise of having to get "ladies stuff". (which, unfortunately, partly explains the mood)

I woke up to a brighter morning. It helps that it's a fairly warm morning, and the children were in a good mood. Of course, I had to struggle my way through the tattling, hitting, Stephen sitting on Joshy, and no one besides Joshua wanting to watch Timmy Time (a "baby" cartoon).
But I made it and actually got out the door at a decent time. 
I dropped the kids off with hugs and kisses and a big smile and as they walked to the doors of the school, each one of them turns and waves "goodbye" with a smile. They don't just turn and wave once, they keep doing  it, multiple times until they see me pulling away from the curb and they walk into school with one final wave. 
As I drove home with that sweet image in my mind, I couldn't stop smiling.
It was a genuinely happy  moment for me.


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