An evening at our house

includes the following:
falling asleep....either during American Idol or while reading scriptures, 
taking plenty of self portraits, 
being twinsies or triplet-sies.....whichever.... in our Haslem Family shirts, 
some sort of random, made up game by Mom 
(except tonight~ we had a spelling bee which is neither made-up nor random),
8:30 bedtime with reading until 9:00, 
and Conan/Coco/Conando....O'Brien.
And that's about it folks. 
Wish you were all here to enjoy it with us. 
Oh and tonight I made cookies. 
And they worked out. 
And they were/are delicous. 
And there are a ton of them. 
Want some? 


Mmmmm I really, really want one really bad!
Jenée's Blog said…
We'll take some!! :o)

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