
It started with Triscuits and went to Rosemary and Herb Triscuits, then it was Runts (which took weeks to find. crazy, huh?) and then I talked to Jenee about candy and how she's avoiding it and it went to all candy in general. I don't know why. Today I got myself a big Laffy Taffy and was jealous that Joshua got a Fun Dip...
What is wrong with me?
And for the past week, I've eaten at least 5 cows a day (not meat cow, butterscotch cow)..
They're all just so yummy...
I refuse to step into a store tomorrow though so (hopefully) I crave something here at home.
Dang it, I just remembered I have a 5 lb bag of chocolate chips in the freezer....
(this picture has no purpose other than reminding me that summer will come!)

(exercise was hard to happen today but i got in a 2.5 mile walk in freezing cold wind! is it ever going to be warm??)


Jenée's Blog said…
Oh, Sarah... if you only knew how HARD it has been for me to avoid the Easter candy that is waiting in a drawer till this weekend. -Let's feel guilty together tonight?!? {LoL}
I am finding a HARD time being optimistic about the wind here... it's harsh, like a slap in the face!
{Just two days left... past the half point. *winks*}
Chris and Jenna said…
This past weekend I ate an entire bag of Starburst jellybeans. I actually hid them from my children and would walk in the other room when I ate them just so I wouldn't have to share. Alas, that bag did not curb my cravings. I have big plans to hit the store later to pick up another bag. :)
Katelyn said…
What a GORGEOUS picture! and you got me loving those triscuts, too! It's the only thing I've cheated on this diet with :) so yummy!!!!

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