Anna banana

How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways...
I love:
Anna's laugh, 
her craziness, 
how she says "I love you" at least ten times at night before bed.
I love how she pretends to go to sleep but secretly watches the opening part of Conan each night 
(although we should talk about that missy...).
I love her self confidence
and her (good) attitude. 
I love that she tries so hard to do what's right. 

I love Annabelle. 


Jenée's Blog said…
She does have a great smile and a great laugh! We love Anna-banana too!
Jenée's Blog said…
Jill said that above; not me... although I totally agree. {LoL}
Chris and Jenna said…
What a cutie she is! BTW this is totally random but I heard a song on the radio today and it sounded like a song I think you'd like...Kristina Perri 'Arms'. Check it out...Thank goodness for itunes! :)
The Fowlers love Anna!!

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