
Thats what I've been.. missing in action. 
It's been a busy week and a half. 
This is what I did a lot of while in Kansas:
I also drove people around. A lot. 
And ran out of gas once. 
(sorry Tim)
I missed my babies like crazy as evidenced by all the texts Trevor and I exchanged. 
Some were pretty funny.
I took the time yesterday to type them all out cause I want to remember them all!
7 pages worth of texts. 
Let me share one:
Trevor: Any shuttle yet?
Sarah: On it now just about to leave. How are the kids? miss me yet?
Trevor: Haven't come out yet., but I'm sure they do. I already do. Love you! Don't sit by any weirdo's.
Sarah: Got it and I didn't. I miss you too already~ I'll call you when I get to slc.
Trevor: Sounds good. Enjoy a little book time.
Sarah: I have had an unnatural craving for triscuits lately~ I bought fire roasted tomato ones today and they are delicious~ I'm bored.
Trevor: They sound delish... especially to a guy on a low carb diet. should help with the digestive tract though. you should fart in the van. that would entertain you.
One more:
Sarah: Bad news~ us airways pilots to strike at midnight Sunday~ all flights expected to be canceled~ what do I do?
Trevor: You better be April fooling me. If not, we'll start driving tonight...
Sarah: how long will it take for  you to get here?
Trevor: Ill MapQuest it and let you know
Sarah: btw~ April fools.. hahaha. I know you know.
Trevor: that was a good one. I must admit you had me a little worried.
Sarah: yeah, yeah.. you were just hoping to get out of painting... love you baby.
Last one:
Trevor: Max just asked my mom is she has a wiener.
Sarah: That's hilarious! What did your mom say?
Trevor: Just "no".
Sarah: Did anyone besides you laugh?
Trevor: everyone except my  mom.
Thats all. 
The rest are for my eyes only.....
My first plane ride was uneventful.
 But when the plane landed in Salt Lake City 
I had 5 of my most favorite people in the whole world waiting for me
with flowers, chocolate and a homemade welcome sign.

I was very grateful to be there with Amy's family.
They have a lot of healing to do but everyday is better than the last. 
I love every single one of those Birds and cannot wait to see them all healthy and happy come August!
Trevor did a great job taking care of our kids.
And I'm so grateful the other Idaho Falls Haslems were willing to help out. 
And thank you Jenna for combing out my girls hair, gently. 
Daddy just doesn't understand curly long hair!

And now, maybe, I may get back into blogging....maybe. 
It's spring break and we are kind of busy around here...
movies to watch, cookies to bake, crepes, library, grocery shopping..
lots and lots to do!


Linds and Thad said…
You guys are hilarious. I've been meaning to call you and see how your sister and her family are doing. Glad they are slowly healing. And I have a question: did you fart in the van?
Chris and Jenna said…
We missed you this last week but so glad to hear that things are going well with your sister!

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