
is 9 years old. 
I am not exaggerating when I say it feels like we just brought her 
home from the hospital, screaming and crying. 
What started out as a rough year has turned into a fantastic nine years. 
I always knew, even when she was crying, 
that she had a wonderful, sweet spirit in her. 
And she definitely does.
 Here's Anna as a butterfly when she was 4 years old. 
And here she is just a month ago:
Annabelle reminds me of sunshine and sand and Popsicles. 
She is was always messy; my little orphan child 
who loves nail polish, art (of any kind), to laugh and be crazy
 and loves taking self portraits.
She rarely stops moving, loves to laugh, has a temper, and is so kind. 

We love our Annabelle.


Chris and Jenna said…
She is such a sweetheart! I'm glad we were able to spend some time with you celebrating! BTW, I'm emailing you a few pictures that I took at her party.
Jill said…
Darn! I missed the true day... Can you please wish Annabelle a very happy birthday from the Thompson clan... She is a very beautiful 9 year old!
The Fowlers LOVE Anna too!!!
Crap I missed the true day too! I love Anna she is the sweetest thing and soooo stinking cute. Please wish her a happy birthday from us. We love you anna!!!
Joyleen said…
Anna is a sweetheart! There's a baby in my ward that looks just anna when she was little. I always haveto play and talk to her
Madsens said…
I still picture her as a 4 year old. Wow she has grown up so fast. What a beauty! Happy belated birthday Anna! Can't wait to see you guys!!!

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