Once again

You all know how much I love nacho movie night.

(although some are more successful than others)

Tonight, however, was a definite hit!

We watched this movie:
And it was just as good as Trevor and I remember it.

And the kids loved it.

The most quotable line is:

"Blow it out your shorts, Ron!"

I think it's hilarious (in a i-better-not-hear-my-kids-saying-that kind of way)

and have used it on Trevor multiple times already.

For instance, after we put the kids to bed, we went and relaxed on our bed for a minute while the kids got

out all their "I love you's" and their needing drinks and going to the bathroom.

He was teasing me as usual so I told him to "blow it out your shorts" and then pushed him off the bed.

I laughed and laughed; it was so dang funny.

And then he asked me if I wanted to pontificate with him.

(I don't think he knows what that word means cause he certainly didn't want to talk)


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