So many highlights...

Last weekend was fantastic.
There were so many great things; a trip to the temple, painting the ceiling, Trevor's homemade pizza, dinner with the Haslems, nacho movie night...
A lot of good stuff.
And how can I forget the season finale of Downton Abbey??
Wow. I love that show or soap opera, as Trevor calls it.
He doesn't mind me watching it because he gets to fall asleep in my lap each time it's on. Our new catchphrase?

 "You are my stick." 

Perhaps the most romantic saying ever. EVER. (you need to watch episode 6 to understand) 
And we played an awesome game of Scattergories. 
Scott and Jenee, you may be interested to know that bric-a-brac is indeed what I thought it was and October Sky was a book. Although the book that the movie was based on was titled "Rocket Boys". October Sky is an anagram of Rocket Boys. After the movie was released, they re-released the book with the title October Sky. (thank heavens for wikipedia)
There's two extra points for me.
And I gave Trevor the point for banana belt.
Does it really matter now though?
Cause he totally whooped us...
Thanks for a great evening!

(we played with Carl a lot also...)


Jenée's Blog said…
Carl is getting so big! ...but still adorable.
Trevor is awesome at Scattergories. We really had a fun time playing with y'all.
Unknown said…
Darling puppy! I'm jealous! We're in an apartment now that won't allow pets. :( Anyway, I enjoyed catching up on your blog! I've been so busy lately, that I have totally slacked. I always love hearing how happy you are and the love you have for your family. You are awesome! Have a great day!

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