Tuna Cakes

Before we were to eat the delicious dinner that my parents made us, Joshua fell asleep on my arm. 
Poor thing. 
Poor me actually, cause I look pretty crazy in this photo. 
Pay no attention to me, only to Joshy sleeping and Stephen in the background yawning.

They made us Tuna Cakes on cabbage with steamed squash. 
That's my kind of dinner, especially when it's delicious.
And it was. 

It was so, so good
We've all had leftovers of it today...
And don't let these ho-hum faces below fool you, 
we were really enjoying ourselves, 
talking with each other and watching Trevor eat squash. 
This picture is just a good example of how to concentrate when eating really, really yummy food:

I am so grateful my parents decided to come up and visit us. 
We had such a good time. 
We did a lot of watering the garden and watching the chickens. 
Those are sources of endless enjoyment for us and 
it was nice to be able to enjoy it with two of our favorite people. 
We love you mom and dad!
You two are our hero's!

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