Crazy blessings.

Tonight for FHE we had a lesson about our testimonies. 
I used this talk given by Elder Holland. 
I love FHE for the simple fact that I can consciously teach my children the gospel.
I'm never confident enough that I do that in my day to day conversations with them.
I hope that these scheduled lessons actually make an impact on them. 
We were challenged in Sunday School last week to write down how the Lord blesses us each day. 
And my blog is the perfect place to do that.
 I can definitely see how the Lord has blessed me in my life today. 
And while you may think it's my children because of the cute picture above, it's not. 
They made me absolutely crazy today. 
That sounds harsh but it's kind of true. 
We finished up our school shopping and also did some grocery shopping
and the boys were wild.
So wild that I told them I will never, ever take them school shopping ever again. 
It's another one of my infamous threats that never will be fulfilled. 
But back to my blessings....
~We got 6 eggs today from our chickens! 
Killing the roosters actually worked...
~I was able to completely stick to both my school shopping budget and grocery budget. 
~Trevor and I are going to watch a movie and eat Chilis chips and guac together~
which will be relaxing and rejuvenating after a day like today. 
And all of my children are happy and in bed. 
Huge blessings...

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