This ones for you Candice!

That would be two dogs sitting at my feet as I type here on the computer. 
Jake was outside all day long in the freezing cold
and I couldn't just banish him to his room after I brought him in for the night. 
Even though he went straight there, 
I thought I would leave him out for awhile to have some 
fun with Carl. 
And they are being so dang funny. 
They keep chasing each other around the couch. 
Jake is pretty fast but Carl is still faster....(lol)
No accidents in the house yet but he did just get up on the couch 
twice and listened really well when I yelled at him to get off. 
How does he do at baths? 
He's kind of stinky from being outside....
Other than that, he's healthy, happy, and warm (for now!).

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