
I had my kids take side profile pictures of me on Sunday to prove 
to them all that I have a crooked face. 
I'm not sure why we were talking about my face. 
But as we were looking at the pictures, I noticed that Trevor totally photo bombed me. 
With a look of disgust. 
I'm not sure what that's about...
but I thought it was really funny. 
School has started for me and I'm taking Math....ugh. 
I'm kind of nervous about it but I'm sure it will be fine. 
I have Trevor to tutor me if I need it so that's a plus. 
I think he's a basic math whiz. 
But still, I'm stressed out. 
My face is showing it (break-outs!), my sense of self worth is showing it (for some reason, when I feel stress I start noticing all the things I do wrong and will never do right)
and I want to just sit around and mope instead of getting things done. 
But....this too shall pass. 
In no time at all spring will be here, the birds will start singing and the sun will start shining. 
I cannot wait.  
(Christmas Day 2013- our attempt at a family snapshot)

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