It's days like today that remind me why I love being a mother so much. For so long (years), I was focused on cleaning the house, making sure everything was neat and tidy. But now that my kids are gone all day, when we have snow days (like today!) they're so awesome! If there's been one good thing come from me being solo during the hours of 8-3, it's that I now love the time I spend with my children even more. I've learned to more fully embrace my role as a mother.
My kids are seriously awesome.
I love them all a lot.
Today was an answer to Trevor's prayers, I know cause he told me. He prayed that I would have a really good day today.
And I did. So many times, I could feel a calmness come over me that wouldn't normally have been there during certain circumstances (like an ornery 9 year old!). I can look back on the day and I can see how Heavenly Father blessed me.
I am so thankful. Both for Him and for a really great, kind-hearted husband and really great kids.

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