Birthday thoughts.

Trevor has made it to the young age of 34 and I've been around for 17 of those years to witness it.
He's made himself a really good life.
We made him a thought bubble card and these were all of our thoughts on him:
*has beautiful eyes
*is a great chicken raiser
*is good at tiling a bathroom
*is a great teacher
*is a great dad
*is a wonderful provider
*has lots of hair
*is a great math teacher
*is the only one who flushes the toilet
*is my eternal best friend
*is hilarious
*looks great in pants
*is sincere
*has funny looking cars
*is good at math
*is a hard worker
*is so smart
*loves his kids
*is a super hero
*has very clean feet
*is kind
*is super wonderful
*is so cool
*is very sharp
*loves his wife more than anything
*is pretty young
*is funny
*is mostly always happy
*is so strong he may be the strongest man on the earth

And that my friends, is proof that he is one of the greats.
We love him. So, so much.
Happy birthday Trevor.


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