It's been a whirlwind of a day...literally. I'm not sure how windy it actually got but it was crazy. Aaannd...I'm not a huge fan of the wind. It always seems that the truck door gets blown into the car parked next to us at the store or at least it almost does. Today it really did. I left a note on the windshield, secretly hoping they wouldn't be able to see the slight damage done, but they did. At first they were fine and then they were not so fine with it. So I'm waiting to hear back as to what they want to do about it. I feel badly that it happened and they seem like a nice person (at least texting they're nice). For Scouts today we made kites. It was too windy to actually fly kites but the boys liked to take them outside and see how ruined they could get. Stephen didn't want to ruin his kite so he waited a bit before he flew his and it survived! I often times remind my family of how much I love our house. It has flaws...like we need another bathroom,...